Mon Nov 6 07:07:45 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB
Call: K1ZM
Operator(s): K1ZM
Station: K1ZM

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 42

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    13       6      7
   80:    148     17     65
   40:    122     22     70
   20:    340     37   117 
   15:    579     35    125
   10:    740    35     123
Total:   1942    152    507  =  3,652,178

Club/Team: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


K1ZM - CQWW SSB 2000
Soapbox Comments

Low Power (coupled with great condx and good antennas) still gets you places.

I wasn't sure that I would be able to participate in WW Phone at all this time
as I had a tumor removed from my chest on Wed just before WW.  It was a bit
dicey to be operating a phone contest two days therafter hollering into a
microphone........but I wanted to try.

This was my first attempt at a low power entry and it is a totally different
experience.  Basically, the vast majority of the contest is S & P interspersed
with occasional runs (if you can find and hold a spot.)  On 10M this was
possible on Saturday for much of the day.  It was tougher on 15M (but
occasionally possible) and **very** slow going on 20M.

I used three FT1000D's and spent MOST of the contest in dual-watch mode (with
split audio into the headphones) tuning both dials simultaneously in different
segments of the band.  This yielded a ton of multipliers and contacts - and a
rate similar to slow to medium runs.

Antennas helped alot here, they were:

160 - A 4 square array (but with 100w, 160M was largely a washout for me.)
 80 - A classic Rohn 25 tower 4 Sq array w/ ins bases (This band surprised me.)
 40 - Two yagis - 3el @ 200'/2el @ 100'(I did well but the JA's did not hr me.)
 20 - Stacked 4's 200/160, 4el @ 160'on 2nd tower (90% S & P on 20M)
 15 - Stacked 4's 180/140, 6el at 187', 4el at 165' (Mainly S&P, some runs.)
 10 - Stacked 4's, Stacked 3's, 5el @ 195', 4el @ 170' (10M was the money band.
      (I worked just about everything I heard and could run well at times.)

Saturday was really terrific.  On Sunday, the runs vanished but 10 and 15 were
still a "gold mine" of multipliers and Q's found just by tuning the band all
day long.

Contest Epilogue:  Operating the contest caused internal bleeding.  On Tuesday,
I had to re-enter the hospital to seal off internal bleeding.  Bummer.  I am
still hoping to make it to A61AJ for WW CW, but it will be touch and go over
the next 10 days health wise.  Good news, the tumor was benign!  But, I won't
be climbing a tower until well after Xmas.

73 Jeff

K1ZM at aol.com

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