[3830] ARRL SS CW W4NF SO Unlimited

w4nf at aol.com w4nf at aol.com
Mon Nov 6 12:28:06 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: W4NF
Operator(s): W4NF
Station: W4NF

Class: SO Unlimited
Section: VA
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:     35
   40:    421
   20:    220
   15:     42
   10:     82
Total:    800 x     80  =  128,000

Club: PVRC


After spending all last weekend during CQWW SSB in front of the radio it 
took a very understanding wife and kids to put up with my contesting this
weekend.  Thanks.  Anyway, not a full time effort as I had a soccer game to go
to.  Had good runs on 40 and 20 but the other bands nothing much. Just S&P a
little on those bands.  Did a bunch of errands on Saturday and even changed
the brakes on the truck on Friday night, so I started this contest tired.  SS 
is not the contest to start when you are tired.  I had 79 Mults after the first
11 hours and then had to wait untill 2100Z on Sunday before I got NNY for the
Sweep.  Then worked a second one that answered my CQ about 20 minutes later.  I
love SS but hate Sunday afternoon SS, way too slow.  CU all in the next one,
73, Jack W4NF 

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