Gus Samuelson gussam at newcomm.net
Mon Nov 6 23:32:28 EST 2000


      Call:      VO1MP  
      Category:  Single Operator
      Power:     Low Power 
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW 
      Section:   NL


      160        0        0        -
       80       19       38        -
       40       51      102        -
       20       10       20        -
       15       24       48        -
       10      316      632        -

     Totals    420      840       79

               Score:  66,360

Power Output: 100 watts     Hours of operation: 10.5

Heard  and called two (2) NWT but no luck so had to settle for
79 out of 80. Called Jay VY1JA on 15 but he was weak and my antenna
was out of commission so I guess the 40 meter dipole didn't cut it hi !

Got back home from Zone 2 ( VO2CQ ) on Wednesday afternoon and
did not get to reassemble things in the shack until Saturday
morning. Upon my return was greeted by an assortment of broken
antennas caused by 160KMH wind that blew through here while
I was away.Only beam I had was ten meters so that accounted for
the bulk of my QSOs.Decided at one point during the contest that
I would switch from Low Power to High, however when I switched on
the amp it failed to power up.
I guess in my haste to get things back to normal I forgot to
plug it in hi !! XYL wondered why I seemed to be spending so much
time in shack on Sunday pretty difficult to convince her that my
10 day jaunt to Labrador had not fully sated my appetite for
contesting. November is a tough month for a contester's
family  hi!
Hopefully will be on for SSB sweeps and some time during the CQWWCW.
73 C'Y'all Next one GLWCDR.

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