[3830] K3MM SS CW SOHP

Tyler Stewart k3mm at ex-pressnet.com
Tue Nov 7 05:08:17 EST 2000

I thought I had gotten rid of all my gremlins from my recent lightning hit a
couple months ago, but...

I spent a day and a half fixing up a lot of known problems before the
contest, but still didnt have time to fix them all and managed to miss a
couple.  Unfortunately, I found a few more just 1/2 hour before the start
and ended up 20 minutes late. ...it's amazing how many bad and even worse
leaky diodes are packed into all my switching controls!

I was amazed at the short skip prop available on all 3 high bands, yet I
didnt seem to be able to produce a big run.  Judging from others results, I
must not have tried hard enough! hi!  I got really depressed when I got some
much higher numbers from primo op's only a few hours into the contest.
Obviously I missed something?   I never worked the second radio as hard as
this weekend...Sunday was tough, tough, tough!

Here are the numbers:

                      2000 ARRL NOVEMBER SWEEPSTAKES

     Call used: K3MM                                          Location: MDC

     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: 1500

     Callsign of Operator: K3MM

     Exchanged Information: nr B K3MM 73 MDC

     Hours of Operation: 23:51

     band      QSOs     points
     160          0          0
      80        117        234
      40        572       1144
      20        335        670
      15        108        216
      10         98        196
     TOTAL     1230       2460   X   79 multipliers  =  194,340

     Club or Team Name: Potomac Valley Radio Club

     Comments:  Despite a valiant effort, I couldnt find a VE1 anywhere!
Activity seemed lower than usual, and Sunday was a real SO2R workout!  I was
more careful than ever trying to get everything copied 100 percent.
Hopefully it'll show.

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