Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Nov 7 11:00:58 EST 2000

In my annual effort to make CW SS fun on Sunday, I traveled to six stations 
this year in my Single Op Multi Station effort. The results, listed in order 
of appearance:

N8TR     277     72         39,888      4:04
AC8E    310     72          44,640      4:12
K8RM    311     71          44,162      4:19
K8MR    311     73          45,406      4:07
W8AJ    306     68          41,616      4:03
K8MAD  305  72          43,920      3:28

            1820            259,632     24:17

All were High Power
AC8E:   John made a few more qsos Sunday afternoon, making our entry a Multi 
entry. This score above is only for my single op part.

I worked all the sections from one place or another.  I had one qso in VY1 
(@K8RM) and one in Wyoming (@AC8E). 

I haven't seen a score from WP3R, but it is likely that this is the first 
time in my SOMS efforts that my combined scores have exceeded the top single 
op score. The last time I did this seriously (1998) I had the stations 
available to do it, but a serious geomagnetic disturbance hurt me and helped 
the southern stations. This year propagation cooperated.

20 meters was great in Ohio.  At W8AJ I started about 19Z. After 6 qsos on 15 
I fired up on 14058.  When I left that frequency I was at qso # 285.  In that 
time I had worked just about everything from WPA to the west coast. I also 
had over 200 qsos on 20 from home, with an unlikely low of 11 qsos on 40 from 

The coolest QSO:  At AC8E, while CQing on 80, I found N6KI on 40 on the 
second radio.  But when I was ready to call him, he disappeared, probably for 
a second radio QSO.  So after a couple of "?"'s and about 2 unanswered CQs, 
comes KH8/N5OLS for my Pacific mult!  Then N6KI returned and we engaged in a 
few minutes of frequency fighting until I decided I had better things to do, 
and moved on.

The contest ended on a high note:  With the last 100 qso rate timer at 93, 
the final qso was W0OF in Iowa for a new (at K8MAD/K8AZ)  multiplier, with 10 
seconds to spare.

As always, I'm amazed that more people haven't tried this approach to SS.  It 
remains the best radio fun this side of 25 degrees north latitude.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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