k5ga at sprynet.com k5ga at sprynet.com
Wed Nov 8 09:10:47 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - CW
Call: WX0B
Operator(s): K5GA
Station: WX0B

Class: SO HP
Section: N TX
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs
Total:   1294 x     80  =  207,040



I feel fortunate to be alive as lightning struck the tall tower around 0030. I
had taken an off-time earlier while the initial storm front moved through with
lightning at a distance. Jay and I felt it was safe to operate after
approximately 45 minutes of off-time. As I operated, I kept an eye and ear to
the storm outside. Then without any notice,,,,BAMM. All power was lost for the
evening, and the contest obviously over for me with 22 hours of operating.

The rain static and storm noise was a hindrance throughout the afternoon before
being knocked off. It really slowed me down, and I'm sure the log checkers will
have a field day with my log due to the "Q" power guys being in the noise. I
actually didn't log a few contacts due to the penalties etc. Too bad for the
guys who I didn't put in, but I'm not taking a penalty for their 50 milliwatt

The next morning found both amplifiers to be unoperable. One had the on/off
switch frozen and no high voltage. The other had no output. All antenna control
boxes were toast as well. The 80 meter antennas were open. The phone line was
shorted due to a computer modem in the house. Fortunately, the tranceivers
"appear" to be ok, and Jay told me earlier to unhook the rotator boxes which
probably saved them.

Thanks to Jay and Sharon for their great hospitality and graciously allowing me
to be a part of their home for another contest.

The activity Sunday has gotten to the point that I personally don't see why the
contest goes on after 2100Z. It's time to re-think this. This weekend seemed to
be even slower than past years on Sunday.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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