[3830] WO7Y SS CW Single Op Low Power

Thomas.E.Narad at us.mw.com Thomas.E.Narad at us.mw.com
Fri Nov 10 08:19:16 EST 2000

What a great contest! Everything seemed to go right and I had more fun plus
posted my best CW score ever, than in any other SS! I was surprised to find that
40 through 10 meters shared an almost equal number of qso's - expected that 10
and 15 would
carry most of the weight for me. During the contest, both VO1MP and VY1JA called
ME, which saved a lot of hunting. Thanks guys!! Here's my breakdown:

Band            QSO's
80          62
40          226
20          287
15          227
10          263

Total - 1064 QSO's (found one dupe)
Claimed Score = 168,112

Hope to improve the 80 meter antenna system next year. Right now am running Icom
765 with C31XR @ tri-bander at 65' and a Cuschcraft 402CD for 40 at 75',
Inverted Vee and 1/4 wave sloper on 80. Hope to see you all in the phone

Tom WO7Y

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