Tom Baugh tombaugh at megsinet.net
Sun Nov 12 18:19:54 EST 2000


            QSOs QTCs Multipliers
80m:       0         0          0
40m:       2         0          6
20m:     164     25        60
15m:     151    237       80
10m:     176    194      82

Total:    493 + 456     * 228 = 216372

Station Description: 1000 MP WITH PENTIUM AND WRITELOG
Antenna(s): FORCE 12 C3S
Operators:  AE9B
Remarks: HAD FUN WITH THIS ONE. Looking for something a little obscure to
brush up the rtty and keyboard skills at, this fit the bill nicely. I think
few too many contests for the weekend split the parties up a little too much
with cw, ssb and rtty all in the weekend. Overall 23.5 hrs worked 24.5 hours
resting, eating, sleeping, been dad and husband everything worked out great.
Butt not too sore is a plus+.... will get rest before monday work another

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