[3830] CQWW SSB de GB3RS Multi-Single High Power

Paul Brice-Stevens paul at g0wat.demon.co.uk
Mon Nov 13 22:02:25 EST 2000

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2000

      Call:      GB3RS
      Category:  Multi Single High Power All Band SSB 
      Country:   England
      Zone:      14


      160       45       52     1.16      5      29
       80      226      240     1.06      9      46
       40      255      357     1.40     19      73
       20      735     1245     1.69     26     104
       15      741     1588     2.14     27      97
       10     1011     2281     2.26     32     114

     Totals   3013     5763     1.91    118     463  =>  3,348,303

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: G4JVG (Steve) G0WAT (Paul) EA3WC (Jordi) M0DXR (Mark)

Equipment Description:
IC781 + IC2KL and 1000MP + Loudenboomer
Tribander plus dipole for 80/40 and Inverted L for 160

Soapbox: -

Managed to beat last years QSO total, although ended up with less mults
which was a bit frustrating. A very good time was had by all, not too
many hiccoughs in operating or with the equipment...even managed to get
the CT network to behave itself for the duration of the contest...10 was
good but not as good as last year we felt...not a bad showing we feel
considering the 4 us of were not present for the whole event...hope
everyone had a blast...

73 tu

Paul Brice-Stevens

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