martyt at pobox.com martyt at pobox.com
Sun Nov 19 21:09:31 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: NW0L

Class: SO LP
Section: MO
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band     QSOs
   80:    113
   40:    105
   20:    479
   15:    218
   10:    113
Total:   1028 x     80  =  164,480

Club: KC DX Club


My best effort ever in the Sweepstakes (or any other contest for that matter!)
Was sick (sore throat) going into the contest and it eventually got the best of
me - had to quit about an hour early. Now if I can just remember to send in my
log to ARRL I'll be in good shape (I forgot it last year...)!

20m was my bread and butter - long skip, short skip, all at the same time. What
more could you ask for? Couldn't get any good runs going on 10 meters - all I
heard was the California Kilowatts. Best rate was 109 during the third hour of
the contest; average rate was around 50 or so, which is still better than I've
ever done.

My thanks to all the "casual" contesters who called me - it's obvious this
wouldn't be much of a contest without the guys who jump in for a few hours just
to hand out some QSOs!

See you all in the ARRL 10m Contest!

-Marty NW0L
 martyt at pobox.com

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