[3830] ARRL SS SSB N4DL SO Unlimited

n4dl at yahoo.com n4dl at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 19 22:35:08 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: N4DL
Operator(s): N4DL
Station: N4DL

Class: SO Unlimited
Section: WCF
Operating Time (hrs): 15.5

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:     42
   40:     39
   20:    250
   15:    212
   10:     34
Total:    577 x     80  =  92,320

Club: FLorida Contest Group



My original plans called for a part time effort, so in order to 
maximize club points I decided to go SO-unlimited (low power).  My only goal
was to do the best I could at getting a sweep.  Early on it didn't look too 
good, as Saturday evening was interupted by a promised trip to Palace Pizza 
in downtown Lakeland for dinner( FYI - best pizza in Polk County).

Went to bed with around 68 sections.  Got up Sunday at 6:15 and op'd 
till 9:45 when it was time for church and a meeting afterward with the 
priest (no, i wasn't in trouble).  78 sections worked with NL and YT left, and 
I figured they would be tough.  Got back on at 3:15 and hoped for good
propagation to VE land.  Hooked VO1HE when he started working by the
numbers and got lucky on 10 meters when I heard VY1JA at 20:36 for my
first ever sweep.  Qso count at that point was 309.  Since I now had 
all 80 mult's I could sit back and try to run stations.  I Op'd about four 
of the next five hours and accumulated another 272 Q's.  Last ten rate 
meter peaked at 175, and the last 100 hung between 60 and 70 most of the 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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