[3830] ARRL SS SSB K6ZM SO Unlimited

WA6O at qsl.net WA6O at qsl.net
Mon Nov 20 01:34:39 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: K6ZM
Operator(s): WA6O
Station: K6ZM

Class: SO Unlimited
Section: EB
Operating Time (hrs): 23.8

 Band     QSOs
   80:     45
   40:    260
   20:    426
   15:    464
   10:     17
Total:   1212 x     80  =  193,920

Club: NCCC


Can't use anything above 10Watts on 10m due to last minute equipment problems.
Nevertheless, the conditions were pretty good and I heard a lot of new voices
on the bands. Good contest overall!

Thanks to Mrs.Peggy Freizer for letting me operate K6ZM memorial station.

Thanks to everybody for the QSOs.

73 de WA6O, Mike

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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