Hans_Brakob at adc.com Hans_Brakob at adc.com
Mon Nov 20 09:44:04 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: K0HB

Class: SO HP
Section: MN
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:     15
   40:     95
   20:    156
   15:    335
   10:     94
Total:    695 x     79  =  109,810

Club: MWA


Contest started great, nice run on 15, 20 was kinda
slow so went to 40.  Forty was simply magic -- rate
meter immediate went to 140-150 and stuck there -- this 
is gonna be fun!

Then Murphy found my QRG! Big time! Trusty NCL-2K went
down with a bang and a puff of (foul smelling) smoke.
Plate transformer fried!   Spent 5 hours of prime
time pulling transformer out of "spare parts"
amp and installing it.  Ugly -- old brittle wire --
undocumented mods -- you get the picture!  

Soldered the last connection and fired it up --
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT NOISE? Full scale Ip trips overloads -- 
Spare xfmer has bad screen supply windings!  No more spares.
To h--- with it!  Went to bed at 3:30AM with shack
full of assorted smelly parts, tools, hot soldering
irons, and two gutted amps.

Got back on air late morning limping around barefoot, 
and heart no longer in it.  Too old to count on a miracle
comeback. Quit early.  Thanks for all the fish.

Looking for a late model full-legal-limit amp.
Make me some offers!

73, Hans, K0HB

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