aa4lr at arrl.net aa4lr at arrl.net
Mon Nov 20 10:03:02 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: SO LP
Section: GA
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band     QSOs
   40:     25
   20:    154
   15:     60
   10:     38
Total:    277 x     73  =  40,442

Club: SECC


Kenwood TS-430 running 50-90 watts PEP
R7000 at 8 feet
125' doublet at 25 feet
15m/10m attic-mounted delta loops


A casual effort on my part. Operated some of the first four hours, then part of
Sunday afternoon. Never managed to operate when 80m was open. Missed RI, DE,
AL, NV, SD, NL, and NWT. I did hear VY1JA on 10m Sunday, but it almost sounded
like he was working from a list.

Bands sounded really funny, especially Sunday. 20m was exceptionally short,
although 10m was rather weak. 20m turned out to the the money band for this
low-power station. With all the big guns spread out on 10-15-20, I managed to
find a spot on 20m early in the contest and get a nice run. Found spots on 20m
later for a couple more nice runs. In a few years when the sunspots go away,
all the big guns will be crowded in 20m, so better to enjoy it now.

One thing I've learned about doing SS with low power is not to waste too much
time calling backscatter stations. Even so, worked SC, TN, NFL, WCF all
backscatter on 20m. My only GA station was W4AN, worked backscatter on 15m. 

Had a couple of odd incidents on 15m. Tried to work on CA station who  told me
that he "had S9 line noise and couldn't hear the weak ones." My thought was --
what the heck is he doing calling CQ if he can't hear?

Well, I  suppose I need to work on my antennas to avoid being so weak....

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