WQ5W at arrl.net WQ5W at arrl.net
Mon Nov 20 10:44:13 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: WQ5W
Operator(s): WQ5W
Station: WQ5W

Class: SO LP
Section: NTX
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band     QSOs
   80:      7
   40:    100
   20:    383
   15:    496
   10:    214
Total:   1200 x     80  =  192,000

Club: North Texas Contest Club


Equipment:  TS-850S (100W)
80M: Inverted Vee @ 30' (cut for CW-practically useless on phone)
40M: Inverted Vee @ 50' (cut for CW-OK on phone)
20/15/10M:  TH-7 @ 55'

A real sprint to the finish to hit 1200 Q's.  Had a good last hour of west
coast on 20M-thanks to K7SS for #1200 with only 15 seconds to spare.  Completed
my sweep Saturday night with W5KFT in STX as my last section. Where were all
those MAR stations in the CW contest?  Took all 6 hours of break-time between
0630-1230Z since I had poor low band phone antennas.

Band Comments:
80M: My inverted vee cut for CW just didn't cut it-4:1 SWR and hardly anyone
could hear me.

40M: What a war zone!  Very few available frequency slots and almost all that
were available were occupied by B power stations.  Lots of S&Ping.

20M: Had a 80+/hour Saturday night.  Nice run of west coast last hour to hit
1200 Q's.  Should have stayed there longer Saturday night instead of going to

15M: Definitely the money band.  Had my best hour there Saturday 2100-2200Z
with 101 Q's.  Lots of 60 and 70/hour rates.

10M: Started the contest here.  Had a nice run in the novice portion Sunday
afternoon that kept me awake.

Not my favorite contest, but I still had a lot of fun.  This was my first time
to break the 1000 QSO mark in any contest from a station that I actually own. 
Thanks to everyone for the Q's-especially from that seemingly endless supply of
8's and 9's.

Alan, WQ5W

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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