k8dx at raex.com k8dx at raex.com
Mon Nov 20 12:46:03 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: K8DX

Class: SO HP
Section: OH
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs
   80:    471
   40:    642
   20:    297
   15:     99
   10:    146
Total:   1655 x     80  =  264,800

Club: North Coast Contesters


For some reason I just can’t seem to get a good start in this contest.
I started on 10M, but just couldn’t get anything going, so after a half
hour I QSY’ed to 15M.  Still slow!  I bounced between 10 and 15M 
for 2.5 hours before going to 20M for a decent run.   

At about 0100Z my neck started to really hurt (I’ve just started going
to a chiropractor) and took about 15 minutes off to see if a heating pad
would help.  It did, but the effect wasn’t very long lasting.  When I 
worked K3MM  at 0247Z, (a good bench mark for how I’m doing) he 
was at 568 to my 472 (and he thinks he had a slow start!)  That took 
the wind out of my sails and I decided it wasn’t worth the pain, so I
headed upstairs to put the heating pad back on.  

After a 40 minute off-time I decided I’d at least try S&P to work the 
serious guys before the pain came back and I’d call it a night.  When I
went to 80M I found a spot and CQ’ed for a while and just kept plugging
away, thinking that I won’t get to do SS for another year.  When I went
to bed I knew I was way behind the pack, but thought I could still turn 
in a respectable score.

When I got on in the morning, 75M was in decent shape, and the rates
were surprisingly  good before I moved to 40M.  During the late morning
I ran across K3MM and I was actually AHEAD by 50 Q’s!  That kept me
motivated until the end of the contest.  

Sweepstakes, at least from the Midwest is a great equalizer.  For having 
stacks on 10-40M, over 75% of the Q’s were made on wire antennas!


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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