[3830] ARRL SS SSB KI0MB Multi-Op

ki0mb at arrl.net ki0mb at arrl.net
Mon Nov 20 22:20:00 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: KI0MB
Station: KI0MB

Class: Multi-Op
Section: MO
Operating Time (hrs): 20:47

 Band     QSOs
  160:      0
   80:    198
   40:    562
   20:    206
   15:    102
   10:     28
Total:   1096 x     80  =  175,360

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters


Operated Multi from K0LIR so we could get the score for SMC.  Used the Icom
751a and a KT34 and the homebrew amp putting out about 300watts on every band
except 80M.  The 40M dipole did its job, and the 80M dipole actually played
well.  (If you were not aware, the K0LIR station sits on a bluff overlooking
the St. Louis Chrysler plant, can you say MAN-MADE NOISE???

I am looking for the mail for my coffee cup and pin, and I think Paul, K9PG
owes me some prizes as well.

Power went out on Sunday.  Apparently the County Park service, who owns the
K0LIR clubhouse that we use, decided to turn off the power.  At 1PM it just
went out, and no way to get it on.  Well at least I didn't sleep, so I only
lost 4 hours of operating and about 300 QSOs...could have been worse...Had good
run rates all night.  Still had 52/hr at 4:00am local time.  Good to get the
score are the sweep for SMC!!!  Thanks for the Qs.  

Drove home 4 1/2 hours after the 20hour contest and slept like a baby.  Got up
in time to get 3 cases dismissed in court...maybe I should do this more often.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
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