bedward at dreamscape.com bedward at dreamscape.com
Wed Nov 22 03:07:42 EST 2000

                            SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 18-Nov-00, 19-Nov-00, 20-Nov-00

    Callsign Used : N2MF
         Operator : N2MF

         Category : SO HP (Single radio)

 Default Exchange : B N2MF 71 WNY

             Name : BRIAN J EDWARD
          Address : 3000 HENNEBERRY RD
   City/State/Zip : JAMESVILLE NY 13078
          Country : United States


   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

   80SSB     489         489        978       4
   40SSB     398         397        794       7
   20SSB     197         197        394       2
   15SSB     290         290        580      25
   10SSB     243         243        486      42

 Totals     1617        1616       3232      80

    Final Score = 258560 points.

 Soapbox Comments

A 10 over S9 power line noise arrived on Thursday, I contacted the power 
company but they were short handed and couldn't send anyone out prior to 
the weekend.  (Unbelievably the last time I contacted them about noise they 
had someone looking for it at my QTH within two hours - but I think the 
investigator was really scoping out the area for deer season). Then on 
Friday night I got pretty sick, so I figured this year's phone SS would be 
a zero for me.  I got out of bed about a half hour before the contest and 
the line noise was totally gone.  So I thought I'd play around at the 
beginning of the contest.  Well by the time I stopped "playing around" it 
was 4am.  So might as well sleep for a few hours and see what happens 
Sunday.  Sunday morning wasn't too bad, so I figure I might as well budget 
my operating time for the 24 hours.  Miraculously the power noise stayed 
away, nothing broke, and I had my personal best score.

Didn't get a sweep until late Sunday afternoon, seems I'm always sweating 
that longer than everyone else.  Thanks to everybody for the contacts and I 
hope I didn't steal anyone's frequency.

Brian, N2MF

Force12 MAG340, (3)C31XRs, Dipoles, Loop, Beverages
FT1000MP, QRO amp

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