[3830] ARRL SS SSB WD0GTY Multi-Op

wd0gty at flash.net wd0gty at flash.net
Wed Nov 22 22:55:43 EST 2000

                     ARRL Sweepstakes - SSB
Call: WD0GTY
Operator(s): WD0GTY, WB0ZWW, N5PJ

Class: Multi-Op
Section: OK
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band     QSOs
   80:     26
   40:     64
   20:    120
   15:    164
   10:    126
Total:    500 x     80  =  80,000




This was the third sweep for me in the last three years.  My dad, WB0ZWW has
helped the last three years but was under the weather with the flu the first
day of the contest this year.  My friend Perry, N5PJ also helped this year.

I know a clean sweep may not be a big deal to the "big guns" but we don't have
a lot for equipment.  We run SS phone from my parents inherited farm house in
Northern Oklahoma.  Until three years ago, we used tune-up rigs (TS-520 or
FT-101) and a multi-band dipole.  Three years ago, Perry got a Hygain TH-3 Jr.
beam.  I thought it would be neat to use it for SS phone.  With my uncle being
a farmer in the same community as our farm, I came up with a plan to use my
uncle's farm tractor with a front end loader, equipped with "bale fingers"
(long metal spikes that are used to lift large bales of hay) as a tower for the
beam.  Just a pipe over the bale fingers to the rotator and the beam on top. 
When everything was ready, I started up the tractor and raised the front end
loader to the highest position; instant tower.

We were all excited the first year we swept.  A lot of people before the
contest were asking if we were running power.  I found out how much a beam

Like I said before, we don't have a lot of equipment but with a little
ingenuity, hams will always try to get something better on the air.



wd0gty at flash.net

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