[3830] S58T WAE RTTY DC 2000 SO AB HP

Miro Cadez miro.cadez at siol.net
Sun Nov 26 14:46:47 EST 2000

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WAE DC RTTY Contest 2000   S58T SO AB HP

Call used: S58T
Location:  Si

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band HP

Band    QSOs   Pts  QTCs Mults
80       149   148     0      35 X 4 =3D 140
40       155   155    50     42 X 3 =3D 126
20       319   316   236    54 X 2 =3D 108
15       219   219   158    53 X 2 =3D 106
10       285   284   362    55 X 2 =3D 110
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----       ---
Total   1127  1122   806          590


Claimed Score: 1137520     (1928 X 590)

Pauses:  1. 0259-o559
                2. 1306-1531
                3. 2157-0434
Total:      > 12 h

Software: K6STI  RITTY v 4.08 with WF1B  RTTY v4.5b=20

Power Output: 800 w

Club Participation: SCC

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct
and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the
decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date 25.11.2000 Signature: Miro Cadez  S58T


My first participation in an WAE DC (any mode).
Band conditions were very good, but at first I was suprised
with low interest for QTC exchange at dx stations.
Over 400 QTCs left here even I asked every DX for traffic.
On the other hand,there was a lot of >new< ops on,vwith a
very different software, mostly not capable of handling the QTC
traffic.This increased number of participants gives us nice
motivation for the comming RTTY winter season.=20
Last 1 year or so I have very often 59+ power line noise,
up to 10 seconds in lenght, so my apology to everyone,
who had to repeate the exchange.
My congratulations to Romeo UP5P and to Will DJ7AA for=20
their ufb results.

Great contest, fine rules and if all OK, see you in next RTTY WAE DC.

Miro Cadez S58T
Cesta na Brod 32
Lj-Crnuce  1231

miro.cadez at siol.net

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