Aleksander ?pindler biga at siol.net
Mon Nov 27 11:30:43 EST 2000

                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-Nov-00, 26-Nov-00

    Callsign Used : S52OP
         Operator : S52OP

         Category : SO AB LP 

             Name : ALEKSANDER SPINDLER
          Address : 5. PREKOMORSKE 14
   City/State/Zip : 2250 PTUJ
          Country : SLOVENIA

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

  160CW      152         152        161        42         7
   80CW      234         234        297        57         8
   40CW      369         369        738        77        21
   20CW      463         463        823        89        27
   15CW      355         355        709        80        27
   10CW      497         497       1211        74        28

 Totals     2070        2070       3939       419       118

    Final Score = 2115243 points.


RIG: 	IC 746
	TS 850S
	40M: 2EL YAGI
	20M: 4EL YAGI
	15M: 5EL YAGI
	10M: 6EL YAGI

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter within
 the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
 regulations of the contest.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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