[3830] CQWW CW SO SB from VE6JY

Don Moman ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Mon Nov 27 13:04:49 EST 2000

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Three SB S/op efforts this weekend from VE6JY:

Bill VE6BF on 20 LP, Lee VE7CC on 15 HP and Joel VE6WQ on 10 HP

Conditions were good on 10 and 15 but 20 was slow, very hard to get
anything started running although breaking the pilups for mults was
generally easy so conditions were OK. Guess most people were up on 10 and
15. The storm forecast had us worried so everyone was trying extra hard to
get as much in the log before it hit.  Thankfully it never really did
bother us and in some ways may have helped as the 2nd night was
"different" and helped the mult totals. 10 closed early and opened late
both times compared to what it had been just a few days before so the
conditions were a factor there.  15 was as we have come to expect - great!
I tuned around a bit from other position on 40 and 80 and it seemed like
conditions the first day anyway were OK there. CN8WW had a big signal on
80 even out here!

I think we heard all zones eexcept zone 36 - that was the scarce one with
37 being nearly as rare. Although everyone did finally get zone 6, it was
one of the last double mults on 10 and 15 to get in the log, so there was
some worry about that one!

Antennas, rotors and rigs, computers and TR software all behaved fine.
Even the weather (local not solar) was mild with temps in the 30's F and
just a trace of snow on the ground.

In addition to regulars VE6BF and VE6WQ, it was nice to have Lee VE7CC
join us for the first time. Glad 15m played well for him. He normally uses
CT but a 2 minute lesson on the TR software 2 minutes before the start had
him off and running with no problems. After the first 30 minutes or so he
looked very comfortable using it. After the contest he was treated to one
of his first views of the northern lights - a real display! It was like
being inside a teepee of vertical light streaks, with everything meeting
directly overhead. Was visible down to about 15 degrees on the southern

Conditions were good for others too so will see what happens to all the
records - our 20,15 and 10 scores are higher than the old zone 4 records
and 15 and 10 are over the old VE records as well.  15m is just under the
North American record of 1.1 million.

the numbers...

20m low power VE6BF @ VE6JY  (5/5/5 stack w/top at 160')

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   20CW      945         945       2365       121        37

 Totals      945         945       2365       121        37

    Final Score = 373670 points.  


15 m HP - VE6JY operated by VE7CC: (6/6/6/6 OWA 48's with top at 145')

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   15CW     2476        2355     6292       134        38

 Totals     2476        2355      6292       134        38

    Final Score = 1,082,224 points.


10m HP  VE6WQ operating at VE6JY: (7/7/7/7 OWA 48's with top at 145')

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   10CW     1978        1978       4942       132        38

 Totals     1978        1978       4942       132        38

    Final Score = 840,140 points.


VE6JY  Don Moman               email: ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca 
Box 127 Lamont, Alberta        email forwarding: ve6jy at rac.ca
(780) 895-2925       

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