Elza Bud Foster vp5b at tciway.tc
Mon Nov 27 21:43:14 EST 2000

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 19100

      Call: VP5MM - op YT6    Country:  Turks & Caicos
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single op/assisted


      160      123      255     2.07     11      22
       80      461     1040     2.26     17      71
       40     1309     3398     2.60     29     103
       20     1502     3757     2.50     31     115
       15     1676     4154     2.48     32     118
       10     2463     6479     2.63     34     111

     Totals   7534    19083     2.53    154     540  =>  13,243,602

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.
Equipment Description:
Radio1:    FT1000MP+ALPHA 87A
Radio2    TS950+ALPHA 78

Club Affiliation: SKY CONTEST CLUB

               Ranko Boca  YT6A - VP5MM
               Nikole Lubibratica 78
               Herceg Novi, YUGOSLAVIA 85340

It was amazing experience running excellent two-radio station from K4ISVs
QTH on the beach on North Caicos.

First day I finished with 4243 Q's and 6M+ points.  Goal was 7K Q's and
fortunately conditions was really good on 10M second day. With run of ABT
200/h most part of day, I finished with 7534 Q's.
I did not move some multipliers on 80/160 first day and it was big mistake.
I lost 200K pts on it, but in generally make a good score.

Thanks to all who called me and see you next year from same place.

Ranko - YT6A, VP5MM, 5B4AGD, K3ZAX

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Submissions:              3830 at contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST at contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830 at contesting.com

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