[3830] CQWW CW N3RS M/M HP

n3rs at snip.net n3rs at snip.net
Mon Nov 27 17:34:58 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: N3RS
Operator(s): N3ED, N2SR, K3WU, W7CT, W8FJ & N3RS
Station: N3RS

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Glenmoore, PA
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     71     12     34
   80:    413     22     86
   40:   1764     35    129
   20:   1940     38    152
   15:   1746     38    146
   10:   1629     34    138
Total:   7554    179    685  =  18,768,672

Club/Team: Frankford Radio Club


This was a 6 man, 4 station, two tower effort by 4 old guys (55-63) and two
relatively young (30-45) men.  We had a few unique problems that we haven't
encountered in a major DX contest before, including a solar flare induced
blackout and one of the 4 station computers continually shutting down when it
was connected to the network.  The fix was to run 15M and 160M disconnected
from the network from Sunday morning till the end of the contest.  This caused
a problem with our preliminary report on Sunday evening on 3830.  The log, when
finally merged correctly, changed the numbers to what is shown here.  

Conditions were extraordinary, including the flare, which seemed to shut things
down for about 20 minutes.  The recovery was amazing and we got back to running
after only 20 minutes.  We missed our goal of 20 meg, but this was an all-time
high score from this station.  

Besides the computer problem, we also had some rather severe interference on
20M (and occasionally on 15M) from the 40M station.  I had reported this on
TOWERTALK, but we were unable to effect a cure before the contest.  The other
major hit was when the wind started to blow a bit on Saturday evening and the
Force 12 EF180C dipole started shorting out at the insulators at one end of the
element.  This has happened to us before, but it is just one other thing that
we couldn't get fixed before the contest.  The result was that we could not run
Europe on Saturday night or Sunday evening.

Bottom line is that everyone had fun and we did the best that we could with
what we have here.

                          73's de Sig, N3RS

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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