dab at home.com dab at home.com
Mon Nov 27 22:36:56 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: W6EEN
Operator(s): N6RT
Station: W6EEN

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 46.5
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     21     10      9
   80:     96     21     32
   40:    731     27     79
   20:    462     33     95
   15:    771     36    104
   10:    975     36    120
Total:   3056    163    439  =  5,086,298

Club/Team: SCCC


New W6 record.

I had a somewhat gloomy outlook on this contest since the propagation forecast
predicted major storm conditions for most of the weekend.  But as with the ARRL
DX CW contest earlier this year, by some miracle the big disturbance didn't hit
until the last few hours of the contest.  WHEW!  However, I was never able to
get any sort of EU run going on 40 which was a big part of the biggest W6
scores in this contest the past few years.

This was my first time doing a CQWW contest in the single-op category and it
was a BLAST!  Unfortunately, Murphy paid a visit on Sunday morning which ended
up hurting my score.  Right at sunrise, the Alpha 87a on the second radio
flashed and then died.  It took about a half hour to remove it from the
operating console and put another one in it's place.  The replacement then
started faulting off about 30 minutes later.  I decided against wasting more
time to put in a third amp in since there was obviously something wrong.  I was
able to use the second radio barefoot for about one hour, until an intermittent
popped up and it had infinite SWR.  So for most of Sunday I only had one radio
on which I mostly did S&P until the bands opened to JA.  I still managed 614
second radio QSOs.  I probably would have been able to add another hundred QSOs
and 10-20 more mults if it wasn't for the failures.

Thanks to Don W6EEN for the continued use of his station and the excellent

   73 de Doug, N6RT

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