[3830] W4MR (op N4CW) SO HP AB

N4CW at aol.com N4CW at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 10:16:12 EST 2000

     Call:          W4MR (op N4CW)
      Category:  Single Operator High Power All Band CW 
      Country:    United States
      Zone:        5


      160           5              9           1.80            4             4
       80          88           244           2.77          13           44
       40        482          1381          2.87          26           88
       20        726          2141          2.95          32           95
       15        535          1562          2.92          30           95
       10        712          2093          2.94          29           91

     Totals   2548          7430          2.92         134         417     => 

Club Affiliation: Potomac Valley Radio Club

Equipment Description: FT-1000MP, AL-1200, yagis 40-10, wires
                                   for 80 and 160

Comments: What blackout? It sounded like the usual Sunday afternoon QRP riot 
with the
usual mix of some loud / some not-so-loud signals. Many thanks to Will, 
AA4NC, for his
hospitality and the chance to play with his "new" MP. It was good for me....

73, Bert N4CW

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