[3830] CQWW-CW-2000 S59A SOSBUHP 20mtrs

drago Turin drago.turin at guest.arnes.si
Tue Nov 28 19:04:53 EST 2000

                               CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 25-Nov-00, 26-Nov-00

    Callsign Used : S59A
         Operator : S59A

         Category : SOSB 20mtrs

 Default Exchange : 59915

             Name : Drago Turin
          Address : Police 52
   City/State/Zip : G.Radgona/SLO-9250/EU
          Country : Slovenia

        Team/Club : Radioklub Pomurje

        RIG: FT1000 + 1kW
        ANT: 4 el YAGI @ 35mtrs

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   20CW     2493        2493       5256       156        38

 Totals     2493        2493       5256       156        38

    Final Score = 1019664 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Got home from hospital on wendsday.
 After trouth surgery thought I could not stay up long behind rig,but
 managed it for abt 40 hours.Strange condx with lot of echos and Aurora
 efects close to end of contest.Antenna ( 4 el YAGI ) is too small for 
 serious contest...had a feeling being a small mouse in wood of
 stacked YAGIs.

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