[3830] CQWW CW J3G M/S HP

G3TXF at compuserve.com G3TXF at compuserve.com
Tue Nov 28 15:36:28 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: J3G
Operator(s): G3TBK, G3TXF AND G3WVG

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Grenada
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     20      7     19
   80:    287     17     63
   40:   1167     26     93
   20:    794     30    103
   15:    829     31     97
   10:   2016     31    103
Total:   5113    142    478  =  7,887,020



Rigs : 2x TS570D + 1x IC706 
Amps : 2x AL-811H
Ants : A3S beam at 10 agl (no rotator) + R7000 vertical
       40m dipole + 80m dipole + 160m dipole.

We arrived on site just eight hours before the start of the contest [having
only arrived in Grenada the night before] to find that both linear amps were
damaged with bits of glass all over the place (instead of valves/tubes!). The
mains transformer in one of the amps was no longer where it was originally
intended that it should have been!

Despite these set-backs, and thanks to the technical ingenuity of Dave G3TBK
and Ian G3WVG, we were able to be on the air as J3G for the full 48 hours apart
from the SID on Sunday. 

The only station audible on any band during the SID was J3A a few miles down
the road. We were surprised at how fast the bands appeared to recover after
what have must have been a near total radio black-out. 

The choice of "G" as the suffix somehow seemed appropriate as the operating
team at J3G was Dave G3TBK, Nigel G3TXF and Ian G3WVG. 

[QSL via G3TXF]

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