kq2m at mags.net kq2m at mags.net
Wed Nov 29 13:11:04 EST 2000

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: KQ2M
Operator(s): KQ2M
Station: KQ2M

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 46.6
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     20      9     16
   80:    313     18     64
   40:    798     27     95
   20:    982     37    118
   15:   1030     35    115
   10:   1360     34    116
Total:   4503    160    524  =  8,953,560

Club/Team: FRC


What a contest!  With all the flares we had Thursday, Friday, Sat. & "the big
one" on Sunday, I kept waiting for cndx to get worse like CQWWSSB.  It never
happened!  So much for strategy.

A great thing about great competition is that you can't win with equipment
failures, illness, operating mistakes, etc.  Like the Super Bowl, you have to
be "up" at all times and make all the right moves and even then there is still
the unexpected (ie "the flare") and more suspense.

This was the first CQWW contest out of the last five that there were no major
station failures during the contest.  Amazingly, I was even able to come into
the contest well-rested instead of the usual Friday exhaustion.  This combined
to really let me see what I and my incomplete station could do together.  

Clearly all my work on the high bands has paid off.  Now, thanks to the scores
of K1AR and K5ZD, I can plainly see where the work still needs to be done, like
putting up a REAL 160 meter antenna and getting my 40 meter 40-2cd to rotate. 
I plan to address the low bands next Summer and hopefully, next CQWWCW, I will
see the improvement.  

The great thing about building a station is that you can look forward to score
improvement and new levels of "loudness" each year.  The great thing about
great competition is that it motivates you to improve your skills each year
which allows for new levels of accomplishment. 

Given how hard I work at S & P with SO2R, it still boggles my mind that I never
heard a JA or KL7 on 80 or a VK on 40!  Much less how I could miss P4 on 20 and

my own club member V47KP on FIVE bands!

Congrats to 'AR, 'ZD and NT1N for making this the closest race in years.  I
hope all you guys will do it again next year!

Thanks to everyone for all the qso's and all the qsy's!


Bob KQ2M

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