[3830] S58T CQ RJ WW RTTY 2000 contest score -SO AB HP

Miro Cadez miro.cadez at siol.net
Sun Oct 1 22:38:01 EDT 2000

CQ WW RTTY Contest 2000

Call used: S58T

Location: SI

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band HP

Band QSOs Pts QTH DX Zones

80 158 332 7 45 12

40 296 695 29 61 21

20 550 1413 50 83 28

15 412 1063 47 78 27

10 455 1204 46 81 28


Total 1871 4707 179 348 116


Claimed Score: 3026601

Software: RTTY by WF1B v4.5b + RITTY v 4.1 by K6STI

Power Output: 1000 W 80-15m ; 250W on 10m

Rig: IC-775DSP

Ant: KT34XA,40-M3,80m loop,low 4el 3b quad=20

Club: SCC


Super band conditions, great activity,

and a lot of eminent contesters on the air.

Iam never using dx-cluster for contest purposes

and so this time missed 4W6,GJ,E3,and on 40m HO1A,EA8BH etc.

Two days before the WW menaged to put up an 4el Quad for 10,15,20

(Igor- S57W,thanks for help) and even at 15m (2m above the roof) it =
acted ufb!

Pleasant and enjoyable contest thanks to everyone

regardless on score! See you all again!

Miro S58T

miro.cadez at siol.net

"I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations

established for amateur radio in my country. My report is correct

and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be bound by the

decisions of the Awards Committee."

Date 01.10.2000 Miro Cadez S58T Cesta na Brod 32

1231 Ljubljana-Crnuce SLOVENIA

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