[3830] SL3A SOAB HP Unassisted

Mikael Larsmark SM3WMV // SM3W larsmark at swipnet.se
Tue Oct 31 16:41:04 EST 2000

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Courier New</param>            CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 28-Oct-00, 29-Oct-00

    Callsign Used : SL3A

         Operator : SM3WMV

         Category : SOAB HP UNassisted

				** Under 21 years! ** 

 Default Exchange : 59 14

             Name : 

          Address : 

   City/State/Zip : 

          Country : Sweden

  Team/Club : WWYC (World Wide Young Contesters)

BAND   Raw QSOs      Points   Countries   Zones


160SSB     126         143        37         7	

80SSB      117         132        43        10	

40SSB      263         470        59        19	

20SSB      927        2360        88        26	

15SSB      828        1494        94        29	

10SSB      780        1638        99        29	


 Totals     3041        6237       420       120


	(Havent had time to remove the dupes)

    Final Score = 3367980 points.

RIG : TS850 + TS930S

AMP : Homemade + L4B


160M : Fullsize 4 square (~16km radials)

80M  : Fullsize 4 square

40M  : 3el mono

20M  : 6el + 6el @EU

15M  : 6el + 5el

10M  : 6el + 4el

 Soapbox Comments


Very nice contest. My first 24 hours were 
Swedish record phase but then my stomach

gave up so I had to go to the toilet every 5 
minutes. I had to go QRT for 8 hours before

my stomach started to work again. Back on the 
bands it had been a big aurora and it's not easy 

from Northern Europe when it's aurora. Anyway 
I'm very satisfied with my results. My plans 

was to go over 4.9 million points which is the 
Swe record. After the first 24 hours i was

ahead but as I said, it didnt work out the 2nd 

I made 57 contacts with JA, that's very bad. 
Didnt get an good opening to Asia which probably

explains my bad zone numbers, almost all the 
missing zones were either in Africa or Asia.

Gonna apply for Under 21 year so I'll see how it 

73 // Mike (SM3WMV // SM3W) 
#6 WWYC (World Wide Young Contesters)
Visit "http://home.swipnet.se/contest/wwyc/" for more info

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