[3830] N0AX Sprint Results

Ward Silver hwardsil@wolfenet.com
Sun, 10 Sep 2000 05:18:08 +0100

Low-Power; 249 x 44 =3D 10956

Lots of VE activity and the ME was very welcome.  As usual, missed a =
couple mults that were heard (KL7, WV) but never synced up.  Big, fat =
QSO totals in evidence, as well - good show.

Felt totally out of it on 80 until about 20 minutes to go - the band =
just didn't come alive in time out here.  On the other hand, 20 was good =
and 40 a banquet.  One thing about Sprint - there's no way that you will =
ever feel like you've gotten every last drop out of it.

73, "Ed"Ward N0AX

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