Jan Almedal janalme@online.no
Mon, 11 Sep 2000 11:23:07 +0200 (CEST)

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                 DARC WORKED ALL EUROPE CONTEST -- 2000

      Call:      LA9HW
      Category:  Single Operator High Power All Band SSB 
      Country:   Norway

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160       0     0      0      0
       80       9     0      6     24
       40      48     0     14     42
       20     475   170     37     74
       15     848   239     35     70
       10      37    40     17     34

    Totals   1417   449    109    244 = 455,304

All reports sent were 59 # .

Equipment Description: FT-1000MP + AL1500
			80, 40m:	Vertical
			20m:		5 el beam @ 60ft
			15m:		5 el beam @ 70ft
			10m:	Actually none: used the 20m beam!

Club Affiliation: Lima Alfa Contest Club


Condx not good in the beginning. LA was still inside the auroral zone on
Friday night,
but condx increased and Saturday night was excellent.

I haven't participated in the WAE contest for many years, mainly because of
lack of Single Band category - I still only have a SB setup. Monoband beam
15 and 20 is the only good antennas. The vertical for 80 and 40 has too few
to be working any good. And I do not have a 10m antenna. Didn't plan to work
on 10
at all, but since the contest turned out to give a big score I thought I had
to try
10 also: so I tuned the 20m beam. It wasn't any good, but at least gave me

Main task was to get operating practice, as we are preparing for DXpedition
to VP5
for CQ DX SSB in October [ see: www.qsl.net/vp5l ]. This meant running
instead of looking for QTCs. Even though the run was good on Saturday night
on 20,
the rate meter was only up at 180 for last 10 a few times, and never over
for last 100. Hmmmm. We need 180 in average from VP5!


FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com