Bart Ritchie (VE5CPU) ve5cpu@sk.sympatico.ca
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:15:11 -0600


    Call:      VE5CPU
    Category:  Single Operator   Power:400 watts
    Band:      All Band          Mode: SSB
    Country:   Canada

      BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult
       160       0     0      0      0
        80       0     0      0      0
        40      12    12     10     30
        20     104   100     32     64
        15      81    81     27     54
        10       0     0      0      0
     Totals    197   193     69    148 = 57,720

Only a part time effort this year.  Fundamentally a S&P affair for me as
conditions from VE5 land ranged from very good to very poor, but tended to 
the poor side.  I did actually hear some signals on 10m, but it did not 
open enough to actually work anyone in Eu.. although we came close. 15 and 
20 were pretty good, with 15 being open a surprisingly long time.  40 had a 
bit of a quiet period and I managed to pluck a dozen Q's before the static 
and noise set in... more the results of great ops at the Eu end than my 
small/low delta loop.  80 & 160 are not DX bands on a city lot in the 
middle of Canada unless conditions are VERY favorable!

Thanks to the DARC team for another season of WAE.  Look forward to the 
last leg - RTTY - later in November.  Special thanks to all those I worked 
and I look forward to seeing you all in the next one.

73, Bart - VE5CPU

73, Bart - VE5CPU
. B.R. (Bart) Ritchie       	Internet: ve5cpu@sk.sympatico.ca .
. Regina, SK Canada                                             .

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