[3830] IOTA PJ2Y M/S

alan_hydes@hp.com alan_hydes@hp.com
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 09:30:11 -0400 (EDT)

                     IOTA Contest
Call: PJ2Y
Operator(s): G0WKW, G3XSV, G4FKA, G3TKF, M0AXF, G0HFX, G7ORR, G3RFX, M0WLF
Station: PJ2Y

Class: M/S  Power: HP
QTH: Island
Operating Time (hrs): 24

Summary:   CW       CW      Phone   Phone
 Band     QSOs     Mults    QSOs    Mults
   80:      11        2       15        6
   40:      82       23      100       82
   20:     291       31      623       91
   15:     235       36      915       91
   10:      21       13       35       27
Total:     640      105     1688      248  =  6,019,356

Club: Bristol Contest Group


Island name and/or station location:      CURACAO

Permanent Station or contest DXpedition?  PERMANENT

TX/RX      Run Station:  TS930 + AL1200 LINEAR
           Mult Station: IC765 + LK800  LINEAR

Power o/p  1KW  Run & Mult stations

Antennas   5 ele monoband yagis for 20m/15m/10m on 100ft tower
           2 ele yagi for 40m at 105ft
           CL33 triband yagi at 80ft
           A3S triband yagi at 50ft
           Delta loop for 80m
           Beverage, Pennant & verticals for receive



Quite a different experience to our efforts from the Isle of Wight
the last couple of years.  We had an excellent station, courtesy of 
W0CG and the Caribbean Contest Consortium, but it is quite a 
different contest seen from the other side of the Atlantic.
This REALLY IS a European contest, and we felt just like spectators 
at times.  The most striking example of this was the 10m E's opening 
that happened in Europe.  We could hear Europe, but we couldn't get 
ourselves heard despite a large monobander at 85ft.  

>From the tropics 80m is just wall to wall QRN.  We could see lightning 
on the horizon out over the sea for a lot of the time.  Even the 
beverage didn't help much with the noise level.  As a result, just 
8 mults made on 80m, and two of those were Curacao !  
Suprisingly there is very little activity from the Carribean islands 
in this contest, on any of the bands. 

There were some definite advantages being where we were... apart from
the obvious ones, like sunshine, warm blue sea, beautiful palm lined 
beaches, cocktails by the pool !

At times 15m and 20m were just outstanding.  Wall-to-wall JAs, and 
Oceania helped push up our points-per-QSO average.  The prefix 
obviously attracted a lot of non-contest callers which helped during 
low times.  40m was open all night and we were getting some amazingly 
stong signals from Europe.  Although the noise level was very high, 
with those sort of signals we could work most stations, if a bit slower 
than from the UK.

We think it unlikely that there will be a winner from the other side of 
the Atlantic in the forseeable future.  The activity is just not there
during quiet times for Europe.  You just can't work enough of the guys 
in Europe who have gone out to an island with a 100w and a wire antenna 
for the 12 hour sections.  There are islands we worked that wouldn't 
have been available from Europe, but not enough of them to compensate.

Overall we're please with our performance, which was about what we hoped 

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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