kl9a@qsl.net kl9a@qsl.net
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 00:42:39 -0400 (EDT)

                     WAE DX Contest, CW
Call: KL9A
Operator(s): KL9A
Station: KL7Y

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 28

 Band     QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   20:    474    413     84
   15:   1223   1116     90
   10:      1      0      2
Total:   1698   1529    176  =  567,424



Hey, that was pretty fun.  I had planned quite a bit for this contest, trying 
to figure out off times.  As usual it all went downhill pretty fast.  I took 
the first 3 hours off, which was good.  The rate from 0000z-0300z is pretty 
poor up here.  About 1700z on Saturday I slept for 6-7 hours, which hurt me.  I 
had been awake since 5:30am on Friday and worked all day, and I just couldn't 
do it anymore.  I fell asleep at the key a few times while sending QTC's.  I'd 
wake up to hear, "KL9A?   KL9A QTC? KL9A DE (enter your favorite EU station 
here) PSE QTC" Then I would snap awake and hit the + key.  I guess 20m was open 
pretty well when I was sleeping, so that hurt a lot.  15m was a bottomless 
pit... it was open the entire contest.  10m was very very marginal, being 
slightly less sucky the 2nd night when I had my only qso with UW5Q.  Everyone 
in Europe asked me for 10m or 40m or both.  The persistence award goes to UU7J, 
who asked me what seemed like every 15 minutes to QSY to 10m. :)  Dan place was 
set up fro M/M and I had to run from rig to rig to go to another band.  15m is 
a separate room from 20 and 10, so I was reluctant to lose my run freq at 
times.  I tried to QSY as much as possible though.  Several EU were heard on 
10m: HA1AG, IQ2A, UU7J, UW5Q, YT9X, YO8WW, YO2BEH, and JY8TE (was in the most 
of anyone), C4A, ZS6something, HS0AC, K5KG (loud!), ZW5B and N4BP are the ones 
that come to mind outside of EU.  It sure was spotty... and very frustrating.  

40m: This time of year 40m isn't really worth much to EU.  There isn't any 
mutual darkness, with the best shots being far west like G, TF, etc.  I did 
hear a few stations: DL2NDU, HA1AG vy vy vy weak, M5X, all s0.  

20m: Seemed like it was always open, but all the action was on 15m.  Missing a 
few hours while sleeping hurt for sure.  My best hour (110) was on Saturday.

15m: Bottomless pit.  I was getting 40 and 50 over 9 reports at times.  The 
rate wasn't huge, but steady.  The piles were huge at first, then about half an 
hour into it I had worked everyone calling.  

10m: Sucky.

I saw that there was going to be poor condx on sunday, so I tried to plan 
around it.  At 1700z the bands shut down.  The big guns went from 599+ to s2 or 
3 on 15m.  20m was empty, so I went to sleep for an hour.  I woke up an hour 
later to the phone, and decided to call it quits.  20m sounded like it was 
coming back, but it wasn't worth it to stick around.  Signals were stronger, 
but extremely fluttery.  Salvaged the rest of the beautiful sunday by going 
sailing with my friends who picked me up.  

2000+ qso's was definitely doable this time with only 2 bands.  10m was in 
better shape in 1999.  Dan owns 15m with his 5/5/5/5.  I should have sent more 
QTC's, but I had planned on dumping a ton of them on Sunday... that was before 
I quit early. :)  I don't like the way CT handles QTC's either.  1) I can't 
send them by hand and still have the program log it. Or can I? I couldn't 
figure it out.  2) I can't change the speed while sending a QTC. 

As always, lots of things I could have done better.  Every contest is a 
learning experience. :)  My main problem seems to be staying awake... anyone 
have any ideas?  Working all day Friday didn't help I guess.  Nice to work so 
many WWYCers... we're taking over! :)  Thanks to Dan for letting me use his 
great station, I had fun.

This was my last contest from KL7 until November, so hope to see everyone from 
Chris KL9A (Yeah I know, I wrote a lot.)

10m: 5/5/5/5, only 5/5 to EU
15m: 5/5/5/5, all to EU :)
20m: 5 el 
40m: 3 el


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