dez@cytanet.com.cy dez@cytanet.com.cy
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 01:51:35 -0400 (EDT)

                     WAE DX Contest, CW
Call: ZC4DW
Operator(s): ZC4DW
Station: ZC4DW

Class: SOAB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band     QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:    154    129     32
   40:    303    301     35
   20:    453    437     41
   15:    396    394     40
   10:    236    232     30
Total:   1542   1493    178  =  1,371,825




FT-1000mp (barefoot)
Ant 1 - 80m-15m doublet
Ant 2 - 10m groundplane 1/4 wave

Think I finally found a 'killer' break strategy...

Did my 36 hrs with 3 hrs of contest time to spare. Seemed 'easy' but far from 
that as op was suffering a heavy cold. Luckily this wasn't the SSB leg.

80m - More mults than expected, 80m was in great shape. Some good ears 
particularly in Western EU.

40m - Lot of non-amateur QRM, quite difficult.

20m - Best band, good shape on Saturday, more QRN on Sunday.

15m - Almost as good as 20m.

10m - Never really opened, except brief sporadic-E. Not much from Scandanavia.

Biggest surprises, working JW and C31, but couldn't get either to QSY!

Biggest dissapointment, never heard a single 9H.

Biggest problem, too many JA and USA stations think I am in Europe.

73 - Dez, ZC4DW, G0DEZ 

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