[3830] IOTA Contest, G5XV DxPedition, EU120 IoW.

G0ORH@aol.com G0ORH@aol.com
Sat, 11 Aug 2001 10:04:02 EDT

             IOTA SUMMARY SHEET 2001

    Contest Dates: 28-29July 2001

    Callsign Used: G5XV

         Category: (e) Multi operator, HP,  Island station, I.o.W.
         Section: (b) 
 This was a Dxpedition operation.
 Default Exchange: RS/RST...001...EU120

             Name: KEN CHANDLER

        Team/Club: NADARS CLUB

   BAND   Raw qso's   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

   80CW       10          10        150      10 
   80SSB      40          39        441      21 
   40CW       99          99        813      35 
   40SSB     263         262       1938      55 
   20CW      153         153        999      44 
   20SSB     484         481       3447     101 
   15CW      295         294       1926      43 
   15SSB     720         718       5019      95 
   10CW      186         185       1071      34 
   10SSB     291         289       1707      48 

 Totals     2541        2530      17511     486 

    Final Score = 8510346 points.

Soap Box

Our best ever score in IOTA. Operating very close (spotting station
was only 150ft from the front door) to our watering hole, the Woodman's Arms,
made for an excellent, and exciting contesting weekend! but a little 
difficult getting 
OP's out at certain times of the day. Very hot WX made for plenty of liquid 
to moisten the throat...Hi. We are planning for next year already with 
hopefully improvements.
We had many members of the public visit us, and Amateurs from the Island, and 
on holiday.
We adhered to RSGB advice and obtained written permission from land owners 
before the event.
Finally, The locals thought we were scientists, hunting UFO's......bless um!!!


FT1000MP, VL1000, TS950SDX, Alpha 91, 100ft Trailer mounted tower, 45ft 
pump-up tower, 
A4S + 40m add on, TB3, Dipoles for 40/80m, Bob tail curtain array, 10KV 
diesel generator.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations established
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards 

 Date....11 August 2001,   Signed.... K J Chandler,  Call ....G0ORH.

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Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
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