dinsterdog@aol.com dinsterdog@aol.com
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 02:40:47 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: N0AH
Operator(s): N0AH
Station: N0AH

Class: SO LP
QTH: wy
Operating Time (hrs): 9

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:      0      0
   80:     40     21
   40:     98     38
   20:    180     51
   15:    215     45
   10:      7      7
Total:    540    162  =  87,480



Station Description:
*Icom 756 Pro
*Tennadyne T6 Log Periodic stack array with two T6's on 75 foot Rohn 25 tower
*40 meter 1/2 wave dipole 4SQR array
*Single top loaded vertical for 80 meters (80 meter 4SQR under repairs as are 
the 160 meters antennas)-
*Assortment of beverage antennas

First contest with the new 756 Pro and T6 stack. It was awesome to see all the 
antenna work mean something special being on a level playing field in regards 
to power limitations and pitiful band conditions- Har!  I loved the Pro's 
filtering and DSP.  It takes a little getting used to the difference in white 
noise etc, but once you get over the hump, it's hard to think about going back 
to that old rig- 

This is the first rig that actually really performs as advertised that I've 
come accross- If you're Looking for a good rig for SSB contesting, the Pro is 
very fb!  The built in voice keyer worked perfectly but the vox using a desk 
mic had a few moments- (my headset wigged out on me 10 minutes before the start 
of the NAQP, figures eh?)

Seriously, this was a fun contest but seemed to be missing a number of known 
and yet to be discovered contestors- This was the first serious contest for me 
since our daughter Anna was born last summer.......I only missed out on one 
eligible hour spending time instead on the honey doo list- not bad considering 
the list (-:

10 meters was a total flop but 15 meters was humming for awhile-

Missed NWT, MT and DE-  73  Paul  N0AH

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