jsnell1049@aol.com jsnell1049@aol.com
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 03:51:02 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: W8DRZ
Operator(s): W8DRZ
Station: W8DRZ

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:    001    001
   80:    025    017
   40:    048    026
   20:    060    027
   15:    024    009
   10:   005     002
Total:    163     82  =  13,366

Club/Team: Mad River Radio Club


Phew what a night..10 and 15 seemed flat and thunder storms
made 40/80 rough on this end.  Still I had a great time, all
search and pounce with out haveing to worry about band edges
this time around. (new Extra)  Even had a better 80 meter antenna
this time. Personaly disapointed in overall score and low rates as
I did better last January in my first effort. However back then
10 was hot and added greatly to my score even though I had more
room to play this time on the other bands. I started out on 20 
meters with a few looks at 15, moved to 40  about 2300, all
the time checking 10 for signs of life. Worked a few 6's before I
gave up (big guns) and headed back to 40 then 80 with a peek at
20 from time to time. Even managed one contact on 160 with my
short longwire!(??)

I took an hour rest at 0001 Zulu, Browns Football first TV game
8pm local just in case the neighbors would rather watch TV than
hear me. (I live in town) Back at it at it at 0100 with no complaints
from the football party next door. Finished up at 0455 and relaxed
while listening to the last of the contest.

A personal funny side note is that about 4 hours in I started shaking
like a leaf....Oh Crap I Thought, better check my suger ( I'm a diabetic)
Nope, checks ok.....Then I remembered I switched on the airconditioner
before the contest to cool the shack a bit.....DAH ! Man it was cold.

Go Mad River

73 Jim  -  W8DRZ

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