n4vi@arrl.net n4vi@arrl.net
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 10:47:04 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: N4VI
Operator(s): N4VI
Station: N4VI

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9

 Band     QSOs  Mults
   80:      4      4
   40:     91     35
   20:    215     42
   15:    105     35
   10:      2      2
Total:    417    118  =  49,206

Club/Team: TCG #3


        Op time:  9+ hours
	Rig:  Kenwood TS-870
	Logging by TR	

 Soapbox Comments

 Condo Superstation Indoor antenna farm:

	20/15/10m:  Cushcraft D-3 dipole suspended at condo roof (~32')
	80/40m:	22' dipole with "spiral loading" on each end.  Manually switch in 80m 
spiral by going upstairs to attic and attaching 2nd spiral on each end!

To score decently from the condo I really need the high bands to play well.
10m was dead as a doornail.  15 and 20m were struggles.  On 20m I finally got 
determined enough hit the 'F1' over and over...  that seemed to work, just not 
fast enough!

My first few trips down to 40m were bummers.  Stations just couldn't hear me 
but as the evening progressed I started working people on the first call and 
the 'F1' strategy actually worked again!  Had a 53 hr on 40m @0300z.  Not bad 
for a 25' high, 22' long 40m dipole!

80meters was a bust except for finally hooking up with N0AH in Wyoming.  For 
some reason it didn't occur to me to see if Paul would move up the bands.  
Don't know if we would have actually heard each other or not.  Also thanks to 
W0ett for filling in the CO mults on 15 and 10m, unfortunately I didn't 
hear Ken on 80m.

Other highlights:

N7RKY from MT saying I was 20 over on 40m!  Obviously the antenna is the 
correct height for working Montana!

Picked up 11 mults in last 17Q's, helping the score quite a bit!

Special thanks to my 5 year old, Kate who managed to entertain herself fairly 
well when the xyl was gone!  She also sat down and put on the 2nd pair of 
headphones for awhile.  She thought it was pretty neat!  She definitely 
enjoyed the 'F1' strategy!

Can I claim the high score for the "Indoor antenna category with no elements 
longer than 22 feet"??

I guess the low point beside general band conditions was keeping the mental 
toughness to plow through it with the present setup.  

Oh well....  it was fun!

Thanks everyone for all the Q's!


chris, n4vi

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