[3830] NAQP SSB NX5M M/2

nx5m@arrl.net nx5m@arrl.net
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 13:01:51 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: NX5M
Operator(s): N5XJ, NX5M
Station: NX5M

Class: M/2 LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12:00

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     21     12
   80:     54     20
   40:    257     54
   20:    741     59
   15:    411     53
   10:     18     11
Total:   1502    209  =  313,918

Club/Team: YVCC


A typical summer NAQP. This is the first one we have done in the M2 catagory 
here since 1997.  I suppose we all know how noisy it was.  10m did not 
cooperate so we only attained about 40% of the anticipated multipliers on that 
80 and 160.....with storms just to our north, and with that being the direction 
we need to be able to hear from, we simply could not reach our goals for those 
two bands.
This seemed to be more of a 3 band contest for us.  Between 10, 80 and 160 we 
only had 43 multipliers.  Big wow!
Lets make it really interesting and count all those "lighthouse" stations as 
Thanks for the Q's!

Bob NX5M +Mike N5XJ

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