[3830] NAQP SSB KM3T(@K1EA) SO

km3t@contesting.com km3t@contesting.com
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 15:06:57 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: KM3T
Operator(s): KM3T
Station: K1EA

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     16     12
   80:     34     22
   40:    177     43
   20:    316     49
   15:    134     42
   10:     58     20
Total:    735    188  =  139,840

Club/Team: 2x4


Need to double-check score..may have one or two more mults and a couple more 

First serious time in NAQP.  Had fun, despite the severe QRN.  Tnx K1EA for 
letting me use his station while I'm still working on mine (even though I used 
TRLog).  :-)

- Working N2NC in NJ on a bunch of bands with his 80m dipole (including 10/15m)
- Working California on 80m, never thought that would be a highlight.  (tnx 
K6NA! Good ears.)
- Used TRLog for the first time...that was fun.  First time I ever used a 
logging program besides CT in a contest.  Need to learn TRLog better long 
before the contest (not in the hour before).
- Lots of good ops showed up
- SO2R rocks ; WX0B box is pretty nice, gotta get one.  First time doing SO2R 
since my last SOAB in CQWW (1995).

- 80/160 (QRN) wouldn't it be great if noice cancelling headsets could cancel 
thunderstorm QRN?
- Maybe it's my lack of a proper setup, but TRLog kept QSYing my log to 10GHz 
when I spun the VFO too fast (dead serious).  Now that's predictive 
- Inability to get DVP cabling set up in time with WX0B box.  Next time.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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