ki5dr@arrl.net ki5dr@arrl.net
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 17:12:13 -0400 (EDT)

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: K5NA
Operator(s): KI5DR

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10.0

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     18     10
   80:     44     20
   40:    117     32
   20:    184     44
   15:    108     36
   10:      3      3
Total:    474    145  =  68,730

Club/Team: Austin Powers - CTDXCC


My first real SO1R effort using a Serious station (no Hamsticks in the 
driveway!), and my first NAQP.  I had no idea what to expect, so I jumped with 
both feet - my only goal was to have fun!  Many thanks to K5NA and K5DU for 
their support and patience.  Richard and Susan's hospitality was superb!  
Richard allowed me the freedom to experiment with the dynamics of the weekend - 
When to take time off, when to change bands, when to call vs. S&P.  I was free 
to try what I thought was the best strategy.  He did help me out with lots of 
great ideas, although several times I could tell he was biting his lip :-).

Playing against me was silence on 10m, huge crackly thunderstorms to the North, 
unfamiliarity with the FT-1000MP (so how DO you swap VFOs anyway?) and band 
characteristics and dynamics I was completely unfamiliar with for this contest.

Playing for me was an awesome station with HUGE antennas and towers, a 
completely integrated radio system that connected to a computer logging system 
that was ready when I arrived - pre-loaded, pre-set and booted right into the 
program.  Overall, Richard has constructed a great sounding station.  And he's 
not even finished yet!

So what did I learn?  It is amazing how much thought, analysis, skill, and luck 
can go into winning any contest.  Doing something of this caliber really makes 
you appreciate how technically complex a winning strategy can be, and just how 
amazingly skilled contesters are.  I also learned how much I still need to 
learn.  I don't know how many folks will read this, but any and all comments, 
ideas and thoughts are certainly welcome - good or bad, I'll take 'em all.

Finally, I had fun!  It was great to work Bruce WA7BNM, and my old friend Paul 
K9PG (thanks for the mult on 10m, you rock dude!!) Special thanks to Jim George 
N3BB and Richard K5NA for their last minute words of wisdom on moving 
multipliers.  It worked!

Thanks for a great weekend and we'll see you on again next year!

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