[3830] DJ3NG SARTG RTTY 2001 Score

Siegfried Semba Siegfried.Semba@t-online.de
Sun, 19 Aug 2001 22:09:24 +0200

-+- SARTG WW RTTY Contest -+-
Sponsored by the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group.

Single  	OP., All Band
CLUB:   	Bavarian Contest Club
POWER:  	400W
OP.TIME:        15 h

   	QSOs 	Points 	DX: 	Call Areas
80m:  	17 	150 	10 	0
40m: 	38 	375 	20 	0
20m: 	120 	1345 	35 	8
15m: 	134 	1680 	37 	18
10m: 	28 	305 	18 	0
Total: 	337 	3855

Total multipliers: 146
Score:  562.830
Station Description:
Antenna(s): XQUAD 10,15,20m, Butternut HF9V
TRX: FT-1000 MP, PTC-II, AL-80B
Software: Writelog 10.27

I overslept the beginning of test and after one(!) QSO well had breakfast.
Nice condition 15m on Sunday. The best at least:
Sunday on 10m 15:52 UTC : EM1HO Antarctica
          15m 15:54 UTC : VR2BG Hong Kong
          15m 15:57 UTC : ZS6RVG (tnx for the continental-points in many

Tnx to all for QSO.

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com