[3830] The system cannot find the file specified

Saulius Zalnerauskas Saulius Zalnerauskas <ly1dr@kalnieciai.lt>
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 01:16:27 +0300

It was my best effort in WAEDC CW since 1981.
Special thanks goes to those DX's who QSY'ed for mult to another band,
especially Paolo YV1DIG (4 Bands).
There is one bad rule which allows to use pasket-cluster for single
op's. Contest Committes must change this rule or made another category
for assisted stations.
It's not my own opinion. I talked with several serious contesters.
5 rest periods would be great too.
P.S. LY rule: If you want to win first place in Lithuania you must to
win whole contest :))
OK..... see you in phone part too!

                                WAE SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 11-Aug-01, 12-Aug-01

    Callsign Used : LY5W
         Operator : LY1DR

         Category : Single op. High power Unassisted!!!

 Default Exchange : 599###

             Name : Saulius Zalnerauskas
          Address : Box 922
   City/State/Zip : Kaunas, 3005
          Country : Lithuania

        Team/Club : Lithuanian DX Group

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries

   80CW       46          46         46        18
   40CW      105         105        105        27
   20CW      338         338        338        31
   15CW      259         254        254        31
   10CW       50          49         49        24

 Totals      798         792        792       131

    There were 1885 QTC points.

    Final Score = 870025 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 Rest Time Periods:
 1. 1530-1750 = 2.20
 2. 0535-1005 = 5.30
 3. 1522-1932 = 4.10
 Total = 12.00

 Equipment: Kenwood TS-850S + Home brew power Amplifier (1 KW)
 Antenna's: 80 & 40 - Dipoles, HF Bands KLM KT34XA 6 el.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations established
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards Committee.

 Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call ___________

      Continent List  continent

                   160    80    40    20    15    10    30    17    12    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0    15    40   230   104     2     0     0     0    391
  VE calls    =      0     1     3    15    12     1     0     0     0     32
  N.A. calls  =      0     2     4     4     4     1     0     0     0     15
  S.A. calls  =      0     6    18    18    17    23     0     0     0     82
  Euro calls  =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     1     4     4     5     0     0     0     14
  Asia calls  =      0    19    32    41    49    17     0     0     0    158
  JA calls    =      0     2     4    18    62     0     0     0     0     86
  Ocen calls  =      0     1     3     8     2     0     0     0     0     14

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =      0    46   105   338   254    49     0     0     0    792

                               WAEDC CW 2001 LY5W

Prefix   160        80          40          20          15          10
------ --------   --------    --------    --------    --------    --------
   3B8                                                            3B8DB
    4X            4Z4KX       4Z5LY       4Z5LY       4Z5LY       4X/OK1EE/P
    5B            C4A         C4A         5B4/HA0HW/P C4A         C4A
    9K                                    9K9O        9K9O        9K9O
   9M2                        9M2JI       9M2JI       9M2JI
    9V                        9V1YC       9V1YC                   9V1YC
    BV                        BV7FF       BV7FF       BV7FF       BV7FF
    BY                                                BA4EG
    CE                        XQ1ZW
   CE9                                                            EM1HO
    CM            CO8ZZ       CO2DT       CO8ZZ       CO8ZZ
    CN                                    CN8YR       CN8YR       CN8YR
   CT3                                    CT3DL
    CX                        CX9AU       CX9AU                   CX9AU
   EA8                        EA8DY       EA8DY
   EA9                                    EA9EU
    EX            EX8W                                            EX8W
    EY            EY5Q
    FR                                                FR5FD       FR5FD
    HL                                    DS1AFL      DS5RYB
    HS            HS0AC       HS0AC       HS0AC       HS0AC       HS0AC
    J3                        J38PA                   J38PA       J38PA
    JA            JA3YBK      JG3VEI      JE2HVC      JH1AZO
    JY            JY8TE       JY8TE       JY8TE       JY8TE       JY8TE
     K            N2NC        W2YC        WK2G        W1RM        N4BP
   KH2                        KA1I/NH2    KA1I/NH2    KA1I/NH2
    KL                                    K8TWO/KL7   KL9A
   KP4                                                KP4ATF
    LU            LU7EE       LU4MHQ      LW9DAH      LU7EE       LW9DAH
   PJ2            PJ2M        PJ2M        PJ2M        PJ2M        PJ2M
    PY            PY2NY       PV8DX       PV8DX       PY2MNL      PY4FQ
    TA                        TA3/LZ2FI
    TU                                                TU2XZ       TU2XZ
   UA9            RK9CWW      RA9ASA      RX9FB       RA9OW       RT9W
    UK                                                UK8CK
    UN                        UN7PJO      UN7EF       UN7PJO
    VE            XL3UZ       XL3UZ       VE3BUC      XM2AWR      XL3UZ
    VK                        VK2APK      VK2QF
  VP2E            VP2E        VP2E
   VQ9                                                            VQ9NL
    VR                                    VR2BG
    VU                                    VU2UR       VU2VJT      VU2TS
    YN                                    YN4SU
    YV            YV1DIG      YV1DIG      YV1DIG      YV1DIG
   ZC4            ZC4DW       ZC4DW                   ZC4DW       ZC4DW
    ZL            ZL6QH       ZL6QH       ZL2AL       ZL6QH
    ZS                                                ZS6DX

                                   rate report

  HOUR   80CW    40CW    20CW    15CW    10CW    TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
    0       0      14      29       0       0      43      43
    1       9      11       0       0       0      20      63
    2       7       8       0       0       0      15      78
    3       0      17       0       0       0      17      95
    4       0       6      35       0       0      41     136
    5       0       0      33       0       0      33     169
    6       0       0      22       0       0      22     191
    7       0       0       0      17       8      25     216
    8       0       0       1      12       4      17     233
    9       0       0       0      10       3      13     246
   10       0       0       0      24       0      24     270
   11       0       0       0      16       7      23     293
   12       0       0       0      17       3      20     313
   13       0       0       0      26       1      27     340
   14       0       0      15       7       2      24     364
   15       0       0       0      15       0      15     379
   16       0       0       0       0       0       0     379
   17       0       0       0       0       3       3     382
   18       0       0       0      29       0      29     411
   19       3       3       0      11       1      18     429
   20       0      14       1       0       0      15     444
   21       7       3       4       0       0      14     458
   22       1       3       5      14       0      23     481
   23       1       1      32       1       0      35     516

    0       0       0      27       0       0      27     543
    1       2       8      12       0       0      22     565
    2       8       0       0       0       0       8     573
    3       1       8      16       0       0      25     598
    4       0       0      25       0       0      25     623
    5       0       0       4       2       0       6     629
    6       0       0       0       0       0       0     629
    7       0       0       0       0       0       0     629
    8       0       0       0       0       0       0     629
    9       0       0       0       0       0       0     629
   10       0       0       1       5       6      12     641
   11       0       0       1      15       4      20     661
   12       0       0       1      13       0      14     675
   13       0       0       6      10       1      17     692
   14       0       0       9       5       2      16     708
   15       0       0       0       4       3       7     715
   16       0       0       0       0       0       0     715
   17       0       0       0       0       0       0     715
   18       0       0       0       0       0       0     715
   19       4       4       0       0       0       8     723
   20       1       4      11       0       0      16     739
   21       0       0      22       0       1      23     762
   22       2       1      11       1       0      15     777
   23       0       0      15       0       0      15     792

  TOTAL    46     105     338     254      49  WAEDC CW 2001 LY5W

4X      CM      EY      JA      K       PJ2     UA9     VP2E    ZC4
5B      EX      HS      JY      LU      PY      VE      YV      ZL

4X      9V      CM      HS      JY      LU      TA      VE      YV
5B      BV      CX      J3      K       PJ2     UA9     VK      ZC4
9M2     CE      EA8     JA      KH2     PY      UN      VP2E    ZL

4X      9V      CT3     HL      K       PJ2     VE      YN
5B      BV      CX      HS      KH2     PY      VK      YV
9K      CM      EA8     JA      KL      UA9     VR      ZL
9M2     CN      EA9     JY      LU      UN      VU

4X      BV      FR      JA      KL      PY      UN      ZC4
5B      BY      HL      JY      KP4     TU      VE      ZL
9K      CM      HS      K       LU      UA9     VU      ZS
9M2     CN      J3      KH2     PJ2     UK      YV

3B8     9K      CE9     EX      J3      LU      TU      VQ9
4X      9V      CN      FR      JY      PJ2     UA9     VU
5B      BV      CX      HS      K       PY      VE      ZC4

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/FAQ/3830
Submissions:              3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-3830@contesting.com