[3830] IOTA CQ2I M/S DXpedition

Ignacio - EA4AHD ea4ahd at terra.es
Thu Aug 2 23:23:40 EDT 2001


      Call:      CQ2I
      Category:  Multi Single
      Power:     Low Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      Mixed Mode
      Country:   Portugal ( INSUA Island EU-150 )

	SSB Operators: EA2TV, EA4ABE, EA4ST.
	CW  Operators: EA1CA, EA4AHD, CT1CJJ.
	Tech. Support: Filipe

     BAND      QSO   QSO-PTS   PTS/Q    IOTA

CW     80       39      369      9.5     14
SSB    80       42      438     10.4     20
CW     40       30      306     10.2     13
SSB    40       65      711     10.9     28
CW     20      438     2310      5.3     44
SSB    20      333     2451      7.4     65
CW     15      182     1134      6.2     25
SSB    15      279     1629      5.8     34
CW     10      172     1044      6.1     19
SSB    10      219     1485      6.8     39

     Totals   1799    11877     6.60    301

                 Score: 3,574,977 points

If you like to get more info abt the DXpedition and to see pictures pse

QSL Info: QSL via EA4URJ either direct or through the bureau.

Equipment Description:

CW  Rig: TS 590d
SSB Rig: TS 850s

ANT: Tribander 3 ele (10-15-20)
ANT: Dipole Windows (10 to 80)

Laptops: Toshiba Pentium 100
	   Compac  Pentium 100

Software: CT 9.65 (NET using COM ports)

73 de Ignacio,EA4AHD.
ea4ahd at arrl.net

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