[3830] NAQP CW AE9B SO

tombaugh at discoverynet.com tombaugh at discoverynet.com
Sun Aug 5 03:18:31 EDT 2001

                     North America QSO Party - CW
Call: AE9B
Operator(s): AE9B
Station: AE9B

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     52     21
   80:     76     28
   40:    101     30
   20:    119     38
Total:    348    117  =  40,716

Club/Team: SMC #5


What a day!! Got a call at 9:00 AM that a subcontractor had cut six conduits to 
a strip mall we were working in. Guess who got to get the damn thing back in 
order.. Pulled several thousand feet of HEAVY copper. About 5:00 PM after a 
very brief dinner and a well needed shower I strolled down to the shack hoping 
I can stay awake. Enjoyed the NA Q's. Got a chance to hear my beverage for the 
first time and LOVE IT!! No noise problems here... I think I'll have to string 
a couple more this winter. Probably spent too much time on 80 and 160 but I was 
in LUST with my new antenna. Looking forward to some rest tomorrow NAQP fits my 
schedule pretty well when I don't get called in on emergency duty. Thanks To 

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