[3830] NA QP SSB KT0R M/2 Aug. 2001

KT0R at aol.com KT0R at aol.com
Mon Aug 20 16:58:16 EDT 2001

Well, another fine contest. Really enjoyed having the guys over. Despite poor
conditions. We did better than last year, and fun was had by all. 

Thanks to Greg (K0OB),Jeff(K0MX),Jim(N0UR). For coming over and doing a fine 
job of operating. 

Of course 20 was the band for us. Due to poor conditions it pushed everyone 
to 20. Was a grind at times and kept on going. 644 Q's.

15 again was a disappointment, and quite a few less Mults than we would have 
liked and had last year. I think if 15 would have produced we would have been
right in there. 10 was bad. But tried one last time before going to 75 and 
worked 12 Mults. 40,80 seemed noisey, but again 160 the noise was not too 
bad. 23 Mults on 160. Did go there late. 11:00pm for 15 minutes then maybe 
the last 45 mins just stayed on 160. Sorry we missed you Al on 160. And thanks for all the Q's.

Did have a few minor problems during the contest but, nothing major. Bad feed
line connector on 40. Lucky, it was in the shack. Just redid the PL-259 and 
we were back in business. 

And special thanks to our xyl's for letting us contest a bit. With all of us 
with children it gets harder. 

OK well here is the breakdown.

                              NA QSO SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 18-Aug-01, 19-Aug-01

    Callsign Used : KT0R

        Operators : KT0R,K0OB,N0UR, AND K0MX

         Category : M/2

 Default Exchange : DAVE MN

        Team/Club : MWA

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   

  160SSB      38          38         38      23 
   80SSB     129         128        128      40 
   40SSB     285         285        285      50 
   20SSB     644         644        644      56 
   15SSB     166         166        166      31 
   10SSB      21          21         21      12 

 Totals     1283        1282       1282     212 

    Final Score = 271,784 points.

Hope to work some of the sprints coming up. Then it will be time for SS.

Vry 73 Dave KT0R

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