N6ED at geocities.com N6ED at geocities.com
Tue Aug 21 12:59:11 EDT 2001

                     North America QSO Party - SSB
Call: K6NA
Operator(s): N6ED
Station: K6NA

Class: SO LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Mults
  160:     31      7
   80:     79     27
   40:    101     37
   20:    197     54
   15:    354     48
   10:    133     27
Total:    895    200  =  179,000

Club/Team: SCCC#1


Thanks to everyone for bearing with the crummy conditions.  10m was open quite 
a bit to the middle and south-east coast but the disturbed conditions turned a 
lot of people off of this band.  I probably spent too much time "trying" 10m 
and messed up my off times.  Lots of stations heard on 80/160 that weren't 
worked.  I imagine the T-storms back east were the culprit.  KT4ZX (KY) and 
K4XS on 160m were loud but never heard me :(  Lots of easy mults missed due to 
the little time spent on the low bands.  Lessons learned for next time!

Thanks to Glenn and Jane for the fine hospitality and for putting up with an 
obnoxious phone op all weekend.  Love those pancakes Jane!!  ;-)

C U all in Sprint CW

Craig "ED" N6ED

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